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Ekem won the “Special contribution award as a group member”Issued by Shanghai Electronic Plating Special Committee


Ekem won the “Special contribution award as a group member”Issued by Shanghai Electronic Plating Special Committee

On November 21-22, 2011, the National Electronic Plating and Surface Treatment Academic Exchanges Conference was held in the Fuxuan Hotel of Fudan University. In the conference, Ekem won the “Special contribution award as a group member” issued by Shanghai Electronic Plating Special Committee..

In addition to academic report and commending activities, the congress organized some symposiums on electronic plating, new environment protection technology of copper plating, silver plating, gold plating and surface treatment of magnesium alloy. At the same time a new prospective technology special seminar was taking on the printed electronic technology of China and Japan. 

Ekem has always been dedicated to the activities of the industry and social welfare, and it has been a long-term supporter of electronic electroplating exchange activities. This award is another recognition of Ekem’s contribution.


Ekem(Fujian) Chemicals Co. ,Ltd

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Ekem Chemical Industry Co. ,Ltd. of Xiamen

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