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Name: Position: Phone:
Honorable customer: Hello! Thank you for your trust and support to Hong Kong. Please take your time to evaluate the quality of our products and services. We will continue to improve it so that you can enjoy better quality products and services in the later cooperation. I wish you a good time. Thank you.
    1. Your overall satisfaction with Hongzheng products and services is
    ☆☆☆((Three stars or less):Main reasons of dissatisfaction ①Price ②Quality ③After-sales service ④Date of delivery
    2.How do you like the qualities of Hongzheng products in the process of using ekem products ?
    ☆☆☆((Three stars or less):Main reasons of dissatisfaction ①Price ②Consumption ③Stability ④Appearance ⑤Corrosion ⑥Others_____________
    3. Whether you will continue to cooperate with ekem?
    ☆☆☆((Three stars or less):Main reasons of dissatisfaction ①Price ②Quality ③After-sales service ④Date of delivery
    4. Which aspect do you think the Hongzheng products need to be improved?
    ①Price ②Consumption ③Stability ④Appearance ⑤Corrosion stability ⑥Others_____________
    ①Price ②Consumption ③Stability ④Appearance ⑤Corrosion stability ⑥Others_____________
    5. Price comparison between ekem additives with international brand prices
    ①Less than 20% ②Less than 10% ③Pretty much ④Even higher
    ①Less than 20% ②Less than 10% ③Pretty much ④Even higher
    6. Price comparison between Hongzheng additives with domestic brand prices
    ①Less than 10% ②Pretty much ③Higher than over 10% ④Higher than over 20%
    ①Less than 10% ②Pretty much ③Higher than over 10% ④Higher than over 20%
    7.How do you like the service quality of ekem? Including date of delivery, timeliness of techni
    ☆☆☆((Three stars or less):Main reasons of dissatisfaction ①Date of delivery ②Timeliness of technical services ③Success rate of processing failure ④others __________
    8. Comparison of consumption between 221 alkaline brightener and your previous light agent
    ☆☆☆((Three stars or less):Main reasons of dissatisfaction ①Pretty much ②Greater consumption
    9. Comparison of electroplating time between 223 alkaline brightener and your previous applying proc
    ☆☆☆((Three stars or less):Main reasons of dissatisfaction ①Pretty much ②Much more time
    10. Comparison of consumption between 921 acidity brightener and your previous light agent
    ☆☆☆((Three stars or less):Main reasons of dissatisfaction ①Pretty much ②Greater consumption
    11. Could the corrosion resisting property of TS-610 high corrosion-resisting bright blue passivatio
    ☆☆☆((Three stars or less):Main reasons of dissatisfaction Fill in the customer requirements
    12. Could the corrosion resisting property of TS-263 is able to meet your requirements?
    ☆☆☆((Three stars or less):Main reasons of dissatisfaction
    13. The brightness of the product can meet your requirements
    ☆☆☆((Three stars or less):Main reasons of dissatisfaction ①The appearance brightness is uneven ②Fogging ③others __________
    14. Could the ekem products is able to meet your requirement of salt fog time?
    ☆☆☆((Three stars or less):Fill in: your requirement of salt fog time White rust_____~_____ Red rust_____~_____
    15. What products of Hongzheng have you used before, and why don’t you keep using?
    16. Ekem technical personnel’s ability to communicate and solve on-site problems
    ☆☆☆((Three stars or less):Main reasons of dissatisfaction ①No improvement for the problem ②The problem is improved, but not completely ③Inefficiency ④Bad service attitude
    17. How many times of plating solution laboratory analysis or technical services do you want to be p
    ①One time ②Two times ③More than three times
    ①One time ②Two times ③More than three times
    18. Feedback timeliness after we receive your call
    ☆☆☆((Three stars or less):Main reasons of dissatisfaction ①8 hours later ②24 hours later ③48 hours later
    19. If the failure is not handled well, whether technical personnel has been arranged to come to ser
    ☆☆☆((Three stars or less):Main reasons of dissatisfaction ①48 hours later ②No personnel has been arranged to come
    20. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of Hongzheng products compared with other
    21. What are your valuable recommendations for ekem ?

Ekem(Fujian) Chemicals Co. ,Ltd

ADD: Xingtai Economic Development     Zone, Zhangzhou, Fujian, China

PC: 363900

Ekem Chemical Industry Co. ,Ltd. of Xiamen

ADD:20 /F, Post &Telecom Guangtong Bldg,No.11,    Hubin East Road, Xiamen, Fujian, China


TEL:+86-592-5881933   400-600-9110


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Ekem Chemical Industry Co,.Ltd.Of Xiamen   ©2017 All Right Reserve   ICP No.4582162 Fujian
